Tiziana Greco
musician vocalist composer teacher

my ride into music began as kid on a minikeyboard, where i just spend hours and hours playing around. since then i’m fascinated by all kind of noises and sounds and bring my ideas to life trough my voice and instruments, my compositions, improvisations and performances. september 2020 i got my master’s degree in pedagogy (jazz vocals) at zhdk. currently i’m living in lucerne, teaching at a music school and as a private teacher and working on my music projects as well as participating in interdisciplinary collaborations.

LUCE – anti rush
watch on youtube, listen/buy on bandcamp or spotify and follow me on instagram
upcoming gigs
9. März 23 – Luce (Duo) @ Rote Fabrik, Zürich – Support Berceuses
16. März 23 – Luce (Solo) @ Posito Kiosk, Luzern
23. März 23 – Luce (Duo) @ Parkplatz, Zürich
2. April 23 – Luce (Duo) @ Indu 9, Luzern – Support Carebender
30. April 23 – Luce (Solo) @ Die Predigt, Luzern
25. Mai 23 – Luce (Band) @ Usine à Gaz, Nyon
26. Mai 23 – Luce (Band) @ tba
27. Mai 23 – Luce (Band) @ Treibhaus, Luzern – Support Milde
7. Juli Luce (Band) @ Voliere, Luzern